The Blackaeonium Project: Workspace/Keeping-Place - An Archival Continuum of Creative Practice

PhD by Research Project, Lisa Cianci, 2012

homepage & table of contents


Exegesis - Home Page


Table of Contents


Title Page   Declaration   Acknowledgements




Chapter 1.
On Recombinant Poetics, Virtual Spaces, Remix and the Archival Continuum: an overview of the fields of practice and conceptual foundation for the project

Chapter 2.
Building the Blackaeonium archival system: methods of development

Chapter 3.
On using the Archival Assemblage: 9 examples of creation through the Blackaeonium archival system

Chapter 4.
On using the Archival Assemblage: working with artist participants


Bibliography & References


Appendix 1: Blackaeonium Archival System Needs Analysis
Appendix 2: Blackaeonium Archival System Specification Document (and additional technical information)
Appendix 3: Blackaeonium Archival System Field Definitions
Appendix 4: Blackaeonium Archival System Database Structure
Appendix 5: User Testing and Guest Remixes Questionnaires & Surveys
Appendix 6: Future-Proofing for Artists - Educational Modules and Student Feedback


The term “Archival Continuum” is used in the PhD title, and throughout the exegesis, rather than the term “Records Continuum” (RCRG 2006) used in archival science literature, because "archival continuum" provides a more descriptive explanation of the project - although the word “archive” itself is ambiguous and problematic: as Derrida points out, “nothing is less clear today than the word ‘archive’ ” (Derrida 1996). The multiplicity of meanings of the “archive” are currently a popular area of debate in creative and humanities communities, and has always been a topic of discussion in the archival science community. In the context of this research project, the artist or layperson may find it easier to understand the term “archive” in relation to a continuum of contemporary arts and variable media preservation practice, rather than the term “record” which is a less-specific word outside the field of archival science and information management.

The term "Keeping-place" is used as another name for the archive developed for this research project. One definition of the word "archive" is "a place to keep things" - therefore keeping-place is a descriptive name for the Blackaeonium archival system and project - as is the term "workspace" which also describes the Blackaeonium project purpose. further explanation of the title can be found in the Introduction.


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this page produced by lisa cianci on her website
comments and queries to lisa's email address on (for humans only)
created 01/12/2011
last modified 30/07/2012


Screen Capture from the Blackaeonium Archive Homepage